uPVC Windows Haywards Heath

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Practical and Beautiful uPVC Windows

If you are looking for stunning windows in Haywards Heath and the surrounding areas, Callidus Installations can help. We offer a wide variety of uPVC windows for all requirements.

We are a local, family run business who offer high quality products and an outstanding installation process. We work with you from start to finish, ensuring you are more than happy with the final product. We are proud to offer our fully backed guarantee with all of our products.

Our uPVC windows are from a local manufacturer - PlatinumNRG. They provide high performance windows which are durable and energy efficient.

Although the windows look thin, they have 28mm double glazed sealed units which keep heat and sound inside. Our windows have 70mm deep profiles and are available as Flush, Sculptured and Chamfered. We offer a number of colours and styles to suit your property perfectly.

All of our windows have reached the security standard of being classified as 'Secured by Design'. This is a government funded initiative by Association of Police Officers.

Our uPVC Windows:

Casement Windows - A stunning, elegant, classic look for those wanting a low maintenance and durable option.

Tilt & Turn Windows - Multi-function, versatile windows. These can be opened on a tilt to allow ventilation or turn inwards to swing open like a door.

French Windows - A classic window style (similar to casement) which lets in plenty of light and offers uninterrupted views.

SlidingSASH Windows - Similar to traditional sash windows with improved energy efficiency and security properties.

Shaped Windows - We will custom create a window to suit the unique shape of your property. Choose from a huge range of colours and finishes.

Revival Windows - We will replace any dated timber windows with high quality uPVC alternatives.

SlimSASH Windows - A stunning window which offers reduced sightlines, allows realms of light into the room and has improved security properties.

FlushSASH Windows - These windows have benefits of both traditional and modern windows. They are inspired by traditional timber windows but are far more secure, low maintenance and weather-resistant.

Upgrade any of our windows to triple glazing for even further energy efficiency.

Get in touch to chat through your requirements. Call our friendly team on 01323 884 261.

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